The popular Amharic Feedel app for your iPhone and iPod Touch is now available for your iPad bigger and better than ever before. First of all because of the large screen display available on your iPad no more having to scroll through 4 pages to find all the Amharic Alphabet. Now all the standard Amharic Alphabet can fit on one beautifully laid out screen. But that is not all. We have also added the non standard amharic alphabet and the amharic numbers on a second page. That in itself is worth your investment but we have also added a quiz and lecture mode. Under the lecture mode simply press the play button and watch and listen as Amharic Feedel HD automatically loops through all the alphabets pronouncing every single one. Under the quiz mode Amharic Alphabet HD will pronounce the alphabet and its up to you to identify the correct alphabet on the screen. All these additions will make Amharic Feedel HD a worthwhile addition to your iPad app library.